Collective Worship

Our recent Liturgies and Celebrations
The Feast of the Ascension
On Thursday 18th May we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. This is when Jesus ascended inot Heaven forty days after His resurrection on Easter Sunday. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to help and guide the disciples. Father Michael came into school and celebrated Mass with us. Our Year Four children led us beauifully in our readings and psalms.
May: The Month of Mary
During the month of May, we have been celebrating and honouring Mary, our Mother. We have been saying the Rosary in our class liturgies and learning more about why Mary is so special.

The Hail Mary: Mary's special prayer
Stations of the Cross
Year 3 and Year 4 led us beautifully in the Stations of the Cross this week. They told us the events of Good Friday, where Jesus died on the cross
End of Term Mass
Father Michael came to school to lead us in our end of Spring term Mass.
Parish Mass - Sunday 6th March
On Sunday 6th March, our school family joined our parish family at St Joseph's Church for Sunday Mass. The children had important roles in the Mass - greeting and welcoming parishoners, reading and bringing the Eucharistic gifts to the altar.
Epiphany Mass - 6th January 2023
Father Michael led us in a very special Mass in our school hall to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. We were all called to think about what gifts we would give to our Lord Jesus.
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday 22nd February, we joined our parish family at St Joseph's to mark the start of the season of Lent. Our Year 6 children helped Father Michael give out the ashes to everyone.
"The children are an absolute credit to you. Wonderful" Parishoner
End of Term Mass at St Joseph's Catholic Church
What a wonderful celebration! Due to Covid restrictions, this was the first time in almost 3 years we had been able to celebrate Mass in the Church with Father Michael and the parishoners.
Key Stage Two Carol Service
The Key Stage Two children led us in a wonderful Carol Service at St Joseph's Church. It was the first time in three years we could hold such an event with our whole community together and it was a truly special occasion. Thank you to the Parish who served us some wonderful refreshments afterwards.
Nativity Plays
We were very proud of our Early Years and Key Stage One children for sharing the good news of Jesus' birth with us! We all agreed there was real Christmas joy and excitement during the Nativity plays!.
Newbury Living Advent Calendar
Our Year Six children took part in the Newbury Living Advent Calendar this year. This is a wonderful community event where the importance of the Nativity at Christmas was shared with local residents by our Year Six children.
Visits to the Church
Year 6 Leavers Mass Douai Abbey
Early Years Liturgy
Good Shepherd Mass
“On Friday 20th, we went to Portsmouth to represent our school at the cathedral. There were lots of other schools. It took about an hour and a half to get there. Leo had to hold the school banner and walk down the aisle. Kitty’s job was to take the offertory up to the Bishop. The cathedral was big with lots of carvings on the wall and stained glass windows. We sang hymns and said prayers. We had a picnic outside with the students from St Finians after the Mass and then we went back to our school" Leo and Kitty June 2022
Happy Birthday to the Church!
This week the children in Reception were celebrating the Church's birthday as part of our Pentecost learning. We arranged to have a special birthday party and invited Father Michael to join us. He came in and showed us his special robes he wears for Pentecost and then he joined us for some musical statues and even some birthday cake!” Mrs Daubney May 2022