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Remote Sports Day Challenge

During the week of Monday 29th June to Sunday 5th July please encourage your children to take part in a remote challenge.

The challenge will be a Distance Challenge to see how far the children can cover in a week. We hope that by including the weekend this will give an opportunity for the children to do any exercise with their families that might not be possible during the week. To gain distance for your house you can either walk, cycle or run. You can record how far you travel using smart watches, phones or just by mapping it out. For those  children who are only able to exercise at home e.g. doing PE with Joe Wicks or something similar, we will allow them to earn 1km for every 10 minutes of exercise (PE with Joe will earn you 3km

Final Results - St Joseph's Remote Sports Day Challenge 2020

The results are in , as always it has been a hard fought competition. We'd just like to say again how thrilled we were to see so many of you joining in and for all the photos you have sent in. We have loved seeing you all enjoying yourselves out and about with your families or inside with you doing fitness exercises. Thank you to all your parents for keeping us up to date with your progress and thank you all for working so hard.
We are very happy to announce this years winners are ... St Bernadette!! 
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Daily Results

Take a look at the fantastic pictures of children and staff below who have been hard at work taking part in the Remote Sports day


Lily had fun puddle splashing on her walk!


Frank and Charlie completed 11.77 Km on Day 6 Walking, running and had loads of fun

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Noah & Grace have each managed a 22km bike ride

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Staff Winner

Mrs Lavisher   - 53.7km Walking

Mrs Whitehead -  54.6km cycling

Miss Sullivan - 33.5 km running

Mrs Garner - 70km cycling & Walking

Mrs Moores - 40.8km walking

Mrs Lockhart - 47.5 km walking

Mrs Chendhilkumar - 51.5km walking

Miss Fulker - 50km Exercising & Walking

Mr Kenderdine - 70km Walking

Mr Robinson - Lots of walking not all submitted

Mrs Holmes - 33km Walking

Miss Shepherd - 82km Walking    - WINNER !!!!



Mrs Whitehead having fun with the family

Along the canalIMG_20200704_182029thumbnail_IMG_20200703_15492620200705_215103VID-20200704-WA0010.mp4IMG_20200705_163805

Ishaan clocked his personal best with 9.88 km on last day of challenge. He is very happy and enjoyed this entire challenge.. 

As part of the challenge, he completed an overall 46.76 km in this week.

Well Done Ishaan, amazing!


Well done Kobi , 1.5mile walk at Combe Jibbet

Rupert climbed to the top of beacon hill for the sports challenge !!
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Anushka & Akash have been doing lots of exercise -  running , walking, PE with Joe Wickes. Great Effort!


Akshansh has done a fantastic 1.1 km on the treadmill

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Mrs Lockhart hard at work on her daily walk.....🏆

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Well done to Jeanie & Sophie they both have been very active throughout the week and have walked ,biked and skipped to contribute towards their House.

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