Applications for primary school places must be made online with West Berkshire local authority.
Please CLICK HERE for the West Bershire primary school admissions page
If an application is being made for a place at the school as a catholic a copy of the supplementry form must be provided along with a copy of your child's baptism certificate.
If application is being made for a place at the school as a member of another Christian denomination or another faith, a letter confirming membership of that Christian denomination or faith and signed by the appropriate minister of religion or faith leader, will be required. The letter should be provided with the completed supplementary Information form and sent directly to the school.
A copy of the supplementary form can be found at the bottom of the admissions policy.

Wrap around Care
At St Joseph's Catholic Primary School we appreciate busy working parents require childcare extended beyond the school day.
The after school club aims to provide high quality after school childcare in a safe and caring environment for children aged between 3 and 11 years. It is run by fun, energetic and enthusiastic staff who provide high quality afterschool childcare.
Our breakfast club runs from 8am - 8.30am and our afterschool club runs from 3.15pm-6pm.
Please CLICK HERE to visit our afterschool club website page for more information on the fantastic actvities we do.
We have some amazing facilities at our school set in beautiful grounds. These include:
- A large school field
- A wildlife garden use for outdoor learning
- A playground with fun play equipment
- Newly refurbished classroom with new interactive touchscreens
- Newly Furbished Library area
- Specialist Sports Coach
- Private music lessons available in a variety of intruments provided by specialists
- Hot Meal Service for all pupils
- Many free after school clubs in a variety of subjects
- Subsidised after school clubs provided by sports coaches
- Great links with other local schools
- School app (tapestry for EYFS & KS1 and Seesaw for KS2) for easy access to homework and communication with teachers
- Happy and inclusive school with a friendly, loving and caring community
- Every child in Year R is teamed up with a Year 6 buddy, this provides a fantastic support for the new starters.

At St Joseph’s we value the importance of the Early years and our children are able to learn through play-based activities. Our recently refurbished classroom is filled with natural, neutral resources that inspire curiosity and wonder for our children. Throughout the day the class is able to move freely between the classroom and outdoor area where there are a wide variety of items available to explore that reflect all aspects of the Early Years curriculum. The skilled members of staff work with the children to extend their learning through their interests and play. Through their knowledge of the curriculum, staff are able to respond to children's individual needs and skills, developing them through ways that are relevant to the children. Activities such as sewing, baking, music, dance and outdoor learning are all regularly included in the timetable. At St Joseph’s we want to ensure our children grow spiritually and develop their connection with God. In class the children join in with daily worships, either in class or as a whole school, they say prayers and learn about key stories from the Bible, they even have a class prayer bear. Staff recognise the importance of family in the young children’s development and actively encourage families to share with the school through the online learning journal system. Photos about the school day can be sent to families and they can send back photos too. When the children start at St Joseph’s they are paired up with one of the Year 6 pupils as buddies, who look after them during their first year in school. They play with them, sit with them in church, help with their learning and more. The children often develop a lovely friendship with their buddies that continues beyond their time with St Joseph’s. There is also a lot of shared learning with the Year1 class, so when the time comes for children to move on to their next class – the transition is not such a scary one.
Miss Fulker - Reception Teacher & KS1 Lead

Please CLICK HERE for term dates