Our MFL aim:
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a diverse, multi-cultural school, which celebrates the richness of backgrounds within our community. We fully understand the importance of language skills, whether it be developing English, learning Spanish (as taught in KS2) or using a home language. A high-quality language education fosters the pupils’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world around them.
At St Joseph’s we endeavour to develop a love of languages through the teaching of Spanish in a fun and enjoyable way. This is to ensure pupils have a strong foundation in the subject before moving into the next phase of their education. Languages play a vital part in ensuring that our pupils are prepared for the world around them. We believe in providing our pupils with an international dimension to their learning which enables them to learn about different countries and cultures and empowers them to see the world as responsible global citizens. Learning another language also prepares our children for life in modern Britain, where in their futures they may well need to use more than one language.