Our Science Curriculum Aims to:
At St Joseph’s we aim to provide all children with science opportunities that are exciting, engaging and challenging – whilst offering the children thought provoking experiences, helping them to become inquisitive, questioning scientists - who build on existing knowledge.
We encourage the children to help shape their learning, forming our planning around what the class already know, what they would like to know and encourage them, with guidance, to decide for themselves how and what we need to do, in order to answer further questions -through experiments and investigations.
At St Josephs, it is our vision in Science, to provide all children with the opportunity to utilise and recognise Science, in order to help them understand the world around them. Whilst providing them with skills to help them shape the future of science, through their actions and words.
How is our Science Curriculum Planned:
We aim to achieve this through listening to the pupil voice, then carefully planning lessons, which show progression throughout their time in St Joseph’s, ensuring that the objectives meet the full requirements of the National Curriculum. Children are provided with factual knowledge, explorative experiments and by the use of additional Science Capital experiences. Our engagement with the local environment ensures that children learn through varied and first-hand experiences. Some of the learning takes place outdoors so pupils can investigate their immediate environment. Through various workshops, trips and interactions with experts and local charities, children have the understanding that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Children learn the possibilities for careers in science as a result of our community links and connection. When all these approaches are combined, this enables the children to make meaningful links to their existing knowledge, as well as experience new ideas and situations. This helps to create pupils who question what they see, exploring their ideas, in an exciting and stimulating way. Links are made to other subjects, as Science is in so many areas of their everyday learning.
Unit Overview
Please see our Science Annual Plan
Progression Framework
Please see our Pen Portrait in Primary Science for Progression and skills, taught throughout the school.
Science Club!
This week we visited KS1 to share a science experiment with them.
We showed them how to make a lava lamp – it was so much fun! Why don’t you try it for yourself?
You will need a clear container, cooking oil, food colouring, water and a fizzy tablet like Alka salts or vitamin C tablet (One that dissolves!)
Pour equal amounts of water and oil into your container, add a few drops of food colouring for pretty effects – then add your fizzy tablet (with adult support).
This is what should happen! The oil and water will separate and the bubbles created from the chemical reaction (fizzy tablet) will make the liquids move up and down in the glass, like a lava lamp!