Message sent from:


"Following in Jesus' footsteps, Recognising the Holy Spirit in ourselves and in each other and nurturing our God given gifts."


The Governing Body of St Joseph's has four core functions:

  • to support the Catholicity of the school;
  • to set the vision and strategic direction of the school;
  • to hold the head teacher to account for its educational performance; and
  • to ensure financial resources are well spent.

Our Governing Body is made up of seven Foundation Governors, a Staff Governor, the Head Teacher, two Parent Governors and one Local Authority Governor.  The Governing Body may also appoint associate members to committees.  Governors regularly review their skills and training needs and actively seek to increase their knowledge.  They carry out visits in school looking at specific areas such as safeguarding, health & safety, SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) and the different curriculum subjects.  The Governing Body sets annual priorities (see document below) in line with the school's SDP (School Development Plan) and reviews their overall practice and progress every academic year.  In addition, the Foundation Governors have a legal duty to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school and to ensure that the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed. An important aspect of this is supporting and upholding the Catholic ethos of the school.

Within their roles the governors look to the six features of Effective Governance (Maintained Schools Governance Guide - March 2024, DfE, Department for Education):

  • Strategic Leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy
  • Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance
  • People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity
  • Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities
  • Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements
  • Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance.

To assist their work, the Governing Body has four committees: Catholic Ethos & Admissions, Finance & Premises, Staffing Performance Management & Safeguarding, Standards & Curriculum.  You will find more information about each committee further down this page.




Sinead Hall - Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor 01.01.22 - 31.12.25 (4 Years) appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.

Chair of Staffing, Performance Management & Safeguarding Committee.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: Employed by Eaton Electronic Limited.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 65%  11 of 17 meetings.

Committee memberships: Finance & Premises; Staffing Performance Management & Safeguarding; Standards & Curriculum.

Catherine Jones - Vice Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor 16.09.23 - 15.09.27 (4 Years) appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.

Joint Link Governor for Safeguarding; Link for Governor Development; Link Governor for EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), Link Governor for Catholic Ethos & RE (Religious Education); Chair of Catholic Ethos & Admissions Committee.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 82%  14 of 17 meetings.

Committee memberships: Catholic Ethos & Admissions Committee; Staffing Performance Management & Safeguarding.


Foundation Governor (4 Years) appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.

Anthony Battrum

Foundation Governor 19.06.23 - 18.06.27 (4 Years) appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.

Chair of Finance & Premises Committee.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 75%  9 of 12 meetings.

Committee memberships: Finance & Premises.

Antony Amirtharaj

Foundation Governor 23.07.22 - 22.07.26 (4 Years) appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.

Link Governor for Health & Safety.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: District Councillor, Newbury Speen Ward, West Berkshire Council.  Project Manager Motorola Solutions.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 78%  7 of 9 meetings.

Committee memberships: Catholic Ethos & Admissions.

Father Zbigniew Budyn

Foundation Governor 23.09.23 - 22.09.27 (4 Years) appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 13%  1 of 8 meetings.  It is recognised by the Governing Body that Father Zbigniew is not always able to attend meetings due to Parish committments.  

Committee memberships: Catholic Ethos & Admissions.


Foundation Governor (4 Years) appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.

Jenny Hill

Local Authority (LA) Governor (4 Years) Nominated by the LA, appointed by the Governing Body.

Link Governor for Inclusion, SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) & PPG (Pupil Premium Grant); Joint Link Governor for Safeguarding.  Chair of Standards & Curriculum Committee.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 100%  9 of 9 meetings.

Committee memberships: Standards & Curriculum.

Emily Daly

Parent Governor 10.02.23 - 09.02.27 (4 Years) Elected by the school parents.

Link Governor for EAL (English as an Additional Language); Joint Link Governor for PTFA (Parents Teachers & Friends Association).

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 80%  4 of 5 meetings.

Committee memberships: Standards & Curriculum.

Vijay Samuel

Parent Governor 10.02.23 - 09.02.27 (4 Years) Elected by the school parents.

Joint Link Governor for PTFA.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 50%  2 of 4 meetings.  

Committee memberships: Finance & Premises.

Michael Robinson - Deputy Head

Staff Governor 26.05.23 - 25.05.27 (4 Years) Elected by the school staff.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 85%  17 of 20 meetings.

Committee memberships: Catholic Ethos & Admissions; Finance & Premises; Staffing Performance Management & Safeguarding; Standards & Curriculum.

Kelly Bosher - Head Teacher


Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 100%  20 of 20 meetings.

Committee memberships: Catholic Ethos & Admissions; Finance & Premises; Staffing Performance Management & Safeguarding; Standards & Curriculum.

Stephen Wasko

Associate Member of the Standards & Curriculum Committee, with voting rights.  28.04.23 - 27.04.25 (2 Years) appointed by the Governing Body.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 100%  9 of 9 meetings.

Committee memberships: Standards & Curriculum.

Nicole Fulker - Key Stage 1 Lead Teacher

Associate Member of the Standards & Curriculum Committee, with voting rights.  19.12.22 - 18.12.23 (1 Year) appointed by the Governing Body.

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.

Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 100%  3 of 3 meetings.

Committee memberships: Standards & Curriculum.

For more information on our Governing Body members, please access the sheet "Meet our Governors & Associate Members" below.

Other Members who have served during the last 12 month period:

John Apicella - Foundation Governor (appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth) Most recent term 4 Years, 23.06.19 - 22.06.23.  Business/Pecuniary Interests: None.  Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 92%  12 of 13 meetings.  John had served two terms as foundation governor and had been an associate member before that.  10 years in total.  During that time John was Lead Governor for Health & Safety and Chair of the Catholic Ethos & Admissions Committee.  The Governing Body is very grateful to John for all his contributions.

Elizabeth O'Keeffe - Foundation Governor (appointed by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth) Most recent term 4 Years, 12.02.20 - 11.02.24.  Business/Pecuniary Interests: Liberal Democrat Councillor within West Berkshire, Director of West Berkshire Citizens Advice.  Meeting Attendance 2022 - 23: 50% 4 of 8 meetings.  Elizabeth was a governor with St Joseph's for 23 years!  In recent years Elizabeth had been Vice Chair of Governors, chaired the Staffing, Performance Management & Safeguarding Committee and been Lead Governor for Safeguarding.  The Governing Body recognises the huge commitment Elizabeth gave to the role of governor and are grateful for her support in so many areas. 



Catholic Ethos & Admissions Committee

To advise and assist the Head Teacher and the Governing Body on admissions and provide strategic support to the school's Catholic ethos.

Membership: Catherine Jones (Chair), Antony Amirtharaj, Father Zbigniew Budyn, Michael Robinson, Kelly Bosher.

Finance & Premises Committee

To monitor how the school conducts their finances, delegates financial responsibilities, methods of operation and the maintenance and safety of all school premises.  To make sure all parties with financial authority are aware of their duties and responsibilities and that sound and effective financial controls are maintained.  To monitor that the school has the appropriate practices and procedures to meet all of its Health & Safety duties and responsibilities To monitor the implementation of appropriate practice and procedures will ensure the best use of funds available to enhance the education of St Joseph’s pupils. 

Membership: Anthony Battrum (Chair), Sinead Hall, Vijay Samuel, Michael Robinson, Kelly Bosher.

Staffing Performance Management & Safeguarding Committee

To provide guidance to the Governing Body and the Head Teacher on all matters relating to personnel issues.

To consider the personnel implications of the School Development Plan (SDP) and any other associated plan/reviews, and reporting on these to the full board as required.

To apply and review the performance management provisions, and all statutory and contractual obligations relating to the annual review of teaching staff and support staff salaries.

Membership: Sinead Hall (Chair), Catherine Jones, Michael Robinson, Kelly Bosher.

Standards & Curriculum Committee

To ensure that strategies are in place to raise achievement for all pupils.  To ensure there is high quality teaching and learning across all year groups.  To ensure there is reliable assessment and high quality tracking information for all learners.  To ensure the school has a curriculum that satisfies statutory requirements and meets the pupils’ needs including extension and enrichment activities.

Membership: Jenny Hill (Chair), Sinead Hall, Emily Daly, Michael Robnsin, Kelly Bosher, Stephen Wasko, Nicole Fulker.

Committee Terms of Reference


Full Governing Body (FGB)

Tuesday 3rd October 2023 Tuesday 3rd November 
Tuesday 19th December  Tuesday 6th February 2024
Tuesday 26th March  Tuesday 30th April 
Tuesday 23rd July   

Catholic Ethos & Admissions Committee

Thursday 5th October 2023, Thursday 1st February 2024, Thursday 13th June.

Finance & Premises Committee

Tuesday 17th October 2023, Tuesday 22nd November, Tuesday 16th January 2024, Tuesday 12th March, Tuesday 16th April, Tuesday 2nd July.

Staffing Performance Management & Safeguarding Committee

Wednesday 29th November 2023, Wednesday 5th June.

Standards & Curriculum Committee

Tuesday 12th December 2023, Tuesday 7th May 2024, Tuesday 16th July.


Rachael House Gemmell

Rachael has worked with us since November 2013.  She attends all our Full Governing Body and committee meetings and provides us with advice and guidance to fulfill our roles as governors.  Rachael also clerks for two other primary schools within West Berkshire.  In 2018 Rachel completed "The Professional Clerk" programme with West Berkshire Council, in association with Hampshire County Council.   

Contact details: rhousegemmell@stjosephs.w-berks.sch.uk

If you would like to view a copy of the Full Governing Body minutes, please contact the clerk or school office on 01635 43455 or e-mail the school office office@stjosephs.w-berks.sch.uk